Tuesday 16 December 2008

Briggate: Propose - Presentation Feedback

I saw my personal tutors yesterday regarding this work, and whilst they seemed to really like the overall vision of creating a new roof-level streetscape, they felt that the work so far didn't push the idea enough. It was too safe.

I'm inclined to agree. I made a deliberate decision to pull back from the craziness of the elevation sketch that I produced with Roger for the Redefinition stage, but have pulled back so far that my proposal is tame.

I plan to add another sheet to the presentation, which illustrates the community growth triggered by my proposed unit. Hopefully this extra sheet will demonstrate the overall vision, and add back a touch of imagination and excitement to the scheme. I will be seeing another tutor on Wednesday, so hopefully the feedback will be broadly similar (a futile hope if ever there was one)

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