This blog documents the design process of a Monastic Brewery in Leeds, UK. This proposal is my thesis project for the final year of my course, and will culminate in June 2009.
Please feel free to comment on any of the work you see - critical feedback is valuable whether it's positive or negative. If you wish to give more in depth feedback, or discuss any of the work, please email the author at or visit, a shared design forum which will include work from a number of students.
Here's four of the final images rendered for my presentation. Hopefully they do the scheme justice, it's pretty hard to tell how good/bad/irrelevent anything is when you've been staring at it this long. I think they're okay at this scale, but boy do they look huge on an A0 board.
Generally running out of time in this project, but beginning a few tests of how to present my 3D model. This on is a combination of a basic sketchup outline with a properly rendered model.
Still very rough around the edges, only intended as a sort of 'proof of concept'.