I've decided I should post the real scruffy end of my design process - my sketch books. Or at least, I'll post extracts from them. Most of it would be pretty boring, or make no sense, but I'll put up a few pages from throughout the design process so far. The drawing hardly marks me out as the next Picasso, or even the next Rolf Harris, but it's about visualising a thought process, not making beautiful pictures. That's my excuse anyway.
The images above are from pretty early in the design process, which you can tell from the fact that none of the images looks remotely similar. I really didn't have much of an idea what I wanted the building to look like at this stage, but it helps to work through a few ideas on paper.
What the images hopefully illustrate is that I switch between drawing little sections, plans, elevations, details... pretty much anything. Each idea is best expressed in a different way, so you draw the most appropriate representation for exploring and developing each thought. There were quite a few pages of my sketchbook with images that look a complete mess because I've drawn revision and revision one on top of another as I work through the idea.
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